General Studies Degree Clusters

Students must choose three (3) classes in four (4) of the following clusters.
18 upper-division hours required.

This listing is for the current academic year. For previous years, please contact your advisor.

Note: General Studies values and prerequisites subject to change. Check course description of current schedule for up-to-date information.

Polytechnic and Downtown Phoenix courses available

CDE 232 Human Development [SB]
COM 222 Argumentation [L]
COM 250 Introduction to Organizational Communication [SB]
COM 316 Gender and Communication [SB, C]
COM 323 Communication Approaches to Popular Culture [C]
ENG 216 Persuasive Writing on Public Issues [L]
ENG 301 Writing for the Professions [L]
HST 306 The Civil Rights Movement [(HU or SB) & H]
HST 327 Women in U.S. History, 1600-1880 [(HU or SB) & C & H]
HST 328 Women in U.S. History, 1880-1980 [(HU or SB) & C & H]
HST 333 African American History to 1865 [SB & C & H]
PGS 101 Introduction to Psychology [SB]
PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy [HU]
PHI 105 Introduction to Ethics [HU]
PHI 306 Applied Ethics [HU]
REL 100 World Religions [HU & G]
REL 201 Religion and the Modern World [L or HU]
REL 390 Women and Religion [HU & G]
WST 100 Women and Society [SB & C]
WST 300 Women in Contemporary Society [SB & C]
WST 390 Women and Religion [HU & G]

Polytechnic and Downtown Phoenix courses available

CDE 232 Human Development [SB]
COM 222 Argumentation [L]
COM 250 Introduction to Organizational Communication [SB]
COM 316 Gender and Communication [SB, C]
COM 323 Communication Approaches to Popular Culture [C]
ENG 216 Persuasive Writing on Public Issues [L]
ENG 301 Writing for the Professions [L]
HST 306 The Civil Rights Movement [(HU or SB) & H]
HST 327 Women in U.S. History, 1600-1880 [(HU or SB) & C & H]
HST 328 Women in U.S. History, 1880-1980 [(HU or SB) & C & H]
HST 333 African American History to 1865 [SB & C & H]
PGS 101 Introduction to Psychology [SB]
PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy [HU]
PHI 105 Introduction to Ethics [HU]
PHI 306 Applied Ethics [HU]
REL 100 World Religions [HU & G]
REL 201 Religion and the Modern World [L or HU]
REL 390 Women and Religion [HU & G]
WST 100 Women and Society [SB & C]
WST 300 Women in Contemporary Society [SB & C]
WST 390 Women and Religion [HU & G]

Polytechnic and Downtown Phoenix courses available

COM 100 Introduction to Human Communication [SB]
COM 207 Introduction to Communication Inquiry
COM 222 Argumentation [L]
COM 225 Public Speaking [L]
COM 230 Small Group Communication [SB]
COM 259 Communication in Business and the Professions
COM 263 Elements of Intercultural Communication [SB & G & C]
COM 312 Communication Conflict and Negotiation
COM 316 Gender and Communication [SB & C]
COM 323 Communication Approaches to Popular Culture [C]
COM 371 Language, Culture, and Communication [SB & C & G]

Downtown Phoenix courses available

COM 316 Gender and Communication [SB & C]
ENG 364 Women and Literature [HU]
HST 327 Women in U.S. History, 1600-1880 [(HU or SB) & C & H]
HST 328 Women in U.S. History, 1880-1980 [(HU or SB) & C & H]
REL 369 Women in Islam
REL 390 Women and Religion [HU & G]
WST 100 Women, Gender, and Society [SB & C]
WST 300 Women in Contemporary Society [SB & C]
WST 380 Gender, Race, and Class [SB & C]

Polytechnic and Downtown Phoenix courses available

ENG 201 World Literature 1 [HU & H & G]
ENG 202 World Literature 2 [HU & H]
ENG 204 Introduction to Contemporary Literature [HU]
ENG 230 Introduction to Film Studies [L or HU]
ENG 321 Shakespeare [L or HU]
ENG 333 American Ethnic Literature [(L or HU) & C]
ENG 335 American Poetry
ENG 337 Major American Novels [L or HU]
ENG 352 Short Story [L or HU]
ENG 364 Women and Literature [HU]
ENG 365 History of Film [HU]
ENG 366 Literature on Film
ENG 394 Special Topics (must be preapproved)

Downtown Phoenix courses available

HST 372 Modern Middle East [SB & G & H]
HST 394 Islam in the West: Europe and the USA (Special Topics)
REL 394 Society and Religion in the Modern Middle East (Special Topics)
REL 369 Women in Islam

Downtown Phoenix courses available

ENG 215 Strategies of Academic Writing [L]
ENG 216 Persuasive Writing on Public Issues [L]
ENG 217 Writing Reflective Essays [L]
ENG 218 Writing about Literature [L or HU]
ENG 287 Beginning Creative Writing in Poetry
ENG 288 Beginning Creative Writing in Fiction
ENG 301 Writing for the Professions [L]
ENG 317 Cross Cultural Writing [(L or HU) & G]
ENG 387 Intermediate Creative Writing in Poetry
ENG 388 Intermediate Creative Writing in Fiction
ENG 484 Editing Internship for Write-On Downtown (must earn at least 3 units of standard grading)

Downtown Phoenix courses available

SPA 317 Introduction to Spanish for the Professions
SPA 404 Spanish in U.S. Professional Communities
SPA 405 Latino Cultural Perspectives for the Professions
SPA 484 Internship
SPA 300- or 400-level Spanish courses focused on the professions (e.g., health care, business, medical/legal interpretation, journalism, social work, education, legal and justice studies, sustainability, engineering and urban planning, or SPA 403 Spanish Grammar and Stylistics for the Professions.

Polytechnic and Downtown Phoenix courses available

BIO 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I [SG]
BIO 202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II [SG]
CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry [SQ]
CHM 107 Chemistry and Society [SQ if taken with CHM 108]
MIC 205 Microbiology [SG if taken with MIC 206]
NTR 241 Human Nutrition
STP 226 Elements of Statistics [CS]
STS 331 Ethical Issues in Science and Technology [SB]
STS/PHL 382 Ethics in Engineering and Technology
STS/PHL 385 Technological Catastrophes

Downtown Phoenix courses available

HCR 210 [HU] or HSC 320 Clinical Health Care Ethics [HU]
HCR 220 [H] or HSC 330 Healthcare Systems in the U.S.
HCR 230 [C & G] or HSC 210 Culture and Health [C]
HSC 300 Complementary Healthcare (HSC 210 is prerequisite for this course)
HSC 340 Changing Health Behaviors (HSC 210 is prerequisite for this course)
HSC 410 Supporting the Health of Older Adults (HSC 210 is prerequisite for this course)
HSC 412 Health Issues in Later Life (HSC 210 is prerequisite for this course)
EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness

Downtown Phoenix courses available

MCO 120 Media and Society [SB]
MCO 194 Everyday Grammar (Special Topics)
MCO 240 Media Issues in American Pop Culture
MCO 302 Media Research Methods
MCO 418 History of Mass Communication [SB & H]
MCO 421 Media Problems
MCO 430 International Mass Communication [G]
MCO 435 Social Media
MCO 450 Visual Communication [HU]
MCO 455 War and the Mass Media
MCO 456 Political Communication [SB]
MCO 460 Race, Gender, and Media [C]
MCO 465 Sports and Media
MCO 473 Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media [SB]
MCO 494 Digital Media Literacy (Special Topics)

Downtown Phoenix courses available

PRM 303 Program Planning
PRM 486 Special Event Management
PRM 487 Special Events Advanced
TDM 205 Introduction to Travel and Tourism [G]

Downtown Phoenix courses available

NLM 160 Voluntary Action and Community Leadership [SB]
NLM 220 Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations
NLM 300 Fundraising and Resource Development
NLM 310 Volunteer Management

Downtown Phoenix courses available

TDM 205 Introduction to Travel and Tourism [G]
TDM 345 Meeting and Convention Planning (TDM 205 or RTM 373 w/C or better)
TDM 350 Tourism Marketing (TDM 205 or RTM 373 w/C or better; min 45 hours)
TDM 386 Convention Sales and Management

Downtown Phoenix courses available

URB 220 Introduction to Urban America
URB 240 Urban Policy [C]
URB 300 Urban and Metropolitan Studies
URB 302 Urban Theory
URB 305 Urban Governance
URB 405 Citizen Engagement & Community Building
URB 406 Public Administration & Community Development

Downtown Phoenix courses available

PAF 410 or URB 410 Building Leadership Skills [SB] (min 30 hours)
PAF 311 or PAF 411 Leadership and Change [SB] (min 30 hours)
PAF 420 Public Leadership
PAF 460 Public Service Ethics

Downtown Phoenix courses available

SWU 171 Intro to Social Work [SB & H]
SWU 181 Economics
SWU 182 AZ/National Government Social Work Perspectives
SWU 183 Intro Ethics Social Issues Perspective
SWU 291 Social Services Delivery Systems
SWU 320 Research Methods in Social Work
SWU 374 Diversity & Oppression in a Social Work Context [C]
SWU 432 Social Policy and Services (Must be Junior standing to enroll)
SWU 456 Immigrants and Refugees [C] (Must be Junior standing to enroll)
SWU 457 Southwest Borderland and Immigration Issues [C]
SWU 460 Legal Issues in Social [C] (Must be Junior standing to enroll)
SWU 461 LGBTQ Issues[C] must be Junior standing
SWU 458 Behavioral Health Services (Must be Junior standing to enroll)

Need at least 6 credit hours in ASU residence

Downtown Phoenix courses available

CRJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice [SB]
CRJ 201 Crime Control Policies and Practices
CRJ 203 Courts and Sentencing
CRJ 225 Introduction to Criminology [SB]
CRJ 230 Introduction to Policing
CRJ 240 Introduction to Corrections
CRJ 403: Victims and the Criminal Justice
CRJ 404: Juvenile Delinquency
CRJ 405: Neighborhoods and Crime
CRJ 406 Sex Crimes
CRJ 408 Drugs and Crime
CRJ 422 Violence in America
CRJ 461 Domestic Violence
CRJ 462 Gangs
CRJ 463 White Collar Crime

Need at least 6 credit hours in ASU residence

Downtown Phoenix courses available

CRJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice [SB]
CRJ 201 Crime Control Policies and Practices
CRJ 203 Courts and Sentencing
CRJ 260 Substantive Criminal Law
CRJ 350 Law and Social Control [SB]
CRJ 410 Procedural Criminal Law
CRJ 470 Discretionary Justice [L or SB]

Polytechnic and Downtown Phoenix courses available

HST 101 Global History, 1500-present [HU & H & G]
HST 104 Western Civilizations, 1750-present [(HU or SB) & H & G]
HST 110 U.S. History, 1865-present [SB & H]
HST 306 The Civil Rights Movement [(HU or SB) & H]
HST 327 Women in U.S. History, 1600-1880 [(HU or SB) & C & H]
HST 328 Women in U.S. History, 1880-present [(HU or SB) & C & H]
HST 333 African American History to 1865 [SB & C & H]
HST 364 Sex and Society in Modern Europe [(L or SB) & H]
HST 368 Culture & Imagination in Europe [HU & H]
HST 372 Modern Middle East [SB & G & H]
HST 394: Playing for Keeps: Sports and Society

Downtown Phoenix courses available

AES 101 Air Force Today I
AES 103 Air Force Today II
AES 201 The Evolution of USAF and Space Power I
AES 203 The Evolution of USAF and Space Power II
AES 301 Air Force Leadership Studies I (L)
AES 303 Air Force Leadership Studies II (L)
AES 401 National Security Affairs (L)
MIS 101 Introduction to the Military I
MIS 102 Introduction to the Military II
MIS 201 Introduction to Leadership Dynamics I
MIS 202 Introduction to Leadership Dynamics II
MIS 301 Advanced Military Science I (L)
MIS 302 Advanced Military Science II (L)
MIS 410 American Defense Policy I (SB & G & H)
MIS 412 American Defense Policy II (SB & G & H)
NAV 101 Introduction to Naval Science
NAV 201 Naval Leadership and Management
NAV 402 Ethics and Leadership

Polytechnic courses available

HSE 101 Introduction to Human Systems Engineering (SB)
HSE 223: Applied Biology of Human Behavior
HSE 224: Applied Social Science
HSE 225: Human Systems Integration
HSE 230: Statistics for Human Systems Research I (CS)
HSE 290: Experimental Methods for Human Systems Research (L)
HSE 323: Perceptual Systems
HSE 324: Applied Cognitive Science (SB)
HSE 325: Human-Computer Interaction
HSE 426: Training and Expertise
PSY 449: Human Factors in Sport
HSE 423: Human Factors in Transportation